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Kane Financial Planning offers a wide variety of individually tailored financial planning services to people from all walks of life. Everyone's situation and circumstances are unique, and as such our approach is flexible and can be personalized to meet clients’ needs.

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We Help Your Future Take Root

Who We Are

Our Firm

At Kane Financial Planning, we want our clients to gain control over their future by helping them organize their financial goals and commit to them, through ongoing guidance, education and partnership. 

Patti has worked with a wide variety of clients, including people with complex financial situations: corporate executives, physicians, business owners, and people in transition (retirement, job loss, marriage, divorce, loss of spouse).  Her passion is to help people from all walks of life achieve financial security. The Firm adheres to the fiduciary standards required of Registered Investment Advisors:

  1.   Serve the client’s best interest.
  2.   Act in utmost good faith.
  3.   Act prudently—with the care, skill and judgment of a professional.
  4.   Avoid conflicts of interest.
  5.   Disclose all material facts.
  6.   Control investment expenses.
Patricia Kane, CFP®, MBA Photo

Patricia Kane, CFP®, MBA

Patti has almost 30 years of experience in the financial industry. Most recently, she was director at a Connecticut wealth management firm where she had been an employee for close to 10 years. Before that she spent 15 years at CIGNA Investment Management, providing services to CIGNA’s institutional investment clients. Her additional experience includes tax preparation, paraplanning for a financial planning firm specializing in executive compensation and employee benefits, and serving as development officer for the New England Air Museum. She has an MBA with a concentration in finance from the University of Connecticut and holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professional designation. 

She has been recognized as one of the top advisers by Medical Economics and is a 4-time recipient of the Connecticut Magazine Five Star Wealth Manager award. 

Within her community, Patti is Investment Committee Chair and Board member of the PLAN of CT.  She also administers the NAPFA CT Financial Planning Study Group.  Patti resides in East Hartland with her husband and they have two adult daughters. 

Where We Work

We are happy to work with clients in person at our Avon, CT office, via the Internet, and over the phone—whatever is most convenient for our clients.

Contact Us

Helping Your Future Take Root

Who We Serve

It is likely you can benefit from our professional financial planning services if any of the following describes you:

  •  You are planning for retirement and want to know if you have enough.
  •  You are looking for assistance on what to do if you do not have enough to retire when you wish to.
  •  You would like a review of your investments to ensure they are supporting your financial goals and risk tolerance.  
  •  You want help managing your investments.
  •  You are looking for help on how to successfully transition to and manage during retirement. 
  •  You want advice on when to start taking social security income.
  •  Your spouse has passed away.
  •  You are going through or are divorced.
  •  You worry about managing long-term health care expenses.
  •  You would like to be able to leave your children an inheritance.
  •  You have started a business, changed jobs or lost a job and have questions on your company benefits (new benefits and those left behind) and the impact on your financial goals (e.g., protecting you and your family against death or disability, education, retirement).
  •  You need help planning for education costs or advice on managing student loan debt.

Our specialty: We have a special interest in empowering women, who often have unique financial needs and issues, to achieve financial independence. We specialize in working with corporate women executives, women in transition (retirement, divorced, widowed), and women business owners.

Our Process

In order to help you create a holistic plan aimed at achieving financial security, we will guide you through our planning process consisting of the following steps:

  1.  Initial inquiry: We will start with  a complimentary meeting to get acquainted and to discuss your present situation, your life goals, and the scope of services we can provide for you
  2.  Getting organized: We will help bring order to your financial life.
  3.  Goal setting: We help you proactively anticipate your life transitions and financially prepare for them. 
  4.  Analysis, preparation and plan presentation: We help you explore what you need to do in order to succeed in becoming financially independent.
  5.  Monitoring: We will continue to work in concert with you to help you achieve your financial goals.

Helping You Achieve Financial Health

What We Do

Financial Planning 

We provide clients with guidance on key financial topics such as cash flow and budgeting, funding a college education, retirement planning, risk management, estate or tax planning, among others. We can provide ongoing supervision of clients’ portfolios through our portfolio management services offering. We also offer educational workshops covering a broad range of financial planning and investing topics.


Cash Flow Analysis and Debt Management

We conduct a review of your income and expenses to determine your current surplus or deficit. Based on the results, we provide guidance on prioritizing how any surplus should be used or how to reduce expenses if your financial situation is a deficit. In addition, we can help you prioritize debt payments, based up such factors as the debt’s interest rate and any income tax ramifications. 

Risk Management 

We help you analyze your exposure to major risks that could have a significant adverse impact on your financial picture, such as premature death, disability, property and casualty losses, and the need for long-term-care planning. We can offer guidance on ways to minimize such risks, as well as on weighing the costs and benefits of purchasing insurance and the potential cost of not purchasing insurance (“self-insuring”).

Employee Benefits 

We help you determine whether you, as an employee, are taking maximum advantage of your employee benefits. We will also offer insight on your employer-sponsored retirement plan and/or stock benefits, along with other benefits that may be available to you.  

Personal Retirement Planning

Our retirement planning services typically include projections of your likelihood of achieving your financial goals, with financial independence usually the primary objective. When projections show less than the desired results, we can show you how making changes in certain variables (e.g., working longer, saving more, spending less, taking more risk with investments, etc.) can improve those projections. If you are near retirement or already retired, we can offer guidance on appropriate distribution strategies to minimize the likelihood of running out of money or being forced to significantly reduce spending during your retirement years.

College Funding 

We can help you determine post-secondary education funding goals for your children and discuss possible savings strategies and the “pros and cons” of various college savings vehicles.

Tax Strategies 

We may offer guidance on ways to minimize income taxes as a part of your overall financial planning picture. For example, we can offer recommendations regarding accounts or investments based in part on their “tax efficiency” (with consideration given to the possibility of future federal, state or local tax law changes). 

Estate Planning

We review your exposure to estate taxes and your estate plan, including existence of a will, powers of attorney, trusts, and other related documents. We can assess ways to minimize or avoid future estate taxes by implementing appropriate estate planning strategies such as the use of applicable trusts. We also recommend that you consult with a qualified attorney when you initiate, update, or complete estate planning activities, and we can provide you with the names of attorneys who specialize in estate planning if needed. (With your approval, we may wish to participate in meetings or phone calls between you and your attorney.)


Project V. Comprehensive Planning

A broad-based plan is an endeavor that requires detail. Certain variables may affect the cost involved in developing such a plan, such as the quality of your own records, complexity and number of current investments, diversity of insurance products and employee benefits you currently hold, size of your potential estate, and any special needs you or your dependents may have, and so forth. A broad-based plan may require 10 to 20 or more hours to complete, depending on your circumstances. 

At your request we may concentrate on reviewing only a specific area (modular planning), such as an employer retirement plan allocation, funding an education, estate planning issues, or evaluating the sufficiency of your current retirement plan. Although modular planning certainly has its place, remember that a modular plan is by definition limited and thus is unlikely to fully address your overall situation or needs. 

Whether we work together to create a broad-based plan or modular plan, we will present you with a summary of our recommendations and guide you in implementing those that you approve, as well as offer you periodic reviews thereafter at a reasonable cost. In all instances involving our financial planning engagements, you retain full discretion over all implementation decisions and are free to accept or reject any recommendation we make.

Portfolio Management

You may also engage our firm to implement investment strategies that we have recommended to you.  Depending on your risk profile, goals, needs, and other considerations, your portfolio may employ one of our recommended investment strategies.


Financial Planning Services Fees

Multi-component planning engagement fee is generally in the range of  $2,000, depending on the extent of the plan. This fee is estimated up front.

Clients may prefer a limited planning component engagement based on our hourly fee, such as guidance on retirement plan asset allocation. Our rate is $250 per hour.

Following the presentation of your financial plan, we are available to assist clients over the course of the year to ensure that they implement the various planning action items. For this assistance we generally charge an annual retainer fee of  $4,000 to $5,000;  however, it depends on the complexity of the client's financial profile and engagement requirements.


Financial Planning Service


Broad-based, multi-component financial plan

Generally $2,000, depending on extent of plan (Fee estimated up front.)

Limited planning engagement

$250 per hour

Assistance in implementing planning actions

Generally charge an annual retainer fee of $4,000 to $5,000


Portfolio Management Services Fees

Portfolio management accounts are assessed an annualized asset-based fee:

Assets Under Management

Annualized Asset-Based Fee

Up to $500,000

1.00% (100 basis points)

$500,001 - $1,000,000

0.75% (75 basis points)

$1,000,001 - $2,000,000

0.50% (50 basis points)

More than $2,000,000 


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- Aeschylus


